Monday, February 16, 2009

A Break from Berlin

Whereas January began slowly, February has kept me on the run from day one. I am somewhat astonished at all of the things that happened in these passed two weeks: 

a crash course in Berlin history with the illustrious EB, a "long night of the museums", a couple of cozy movie nights with the fabulous Kate, a wonderful goodbye dinner for Meryl, a jam-packed but incredible weekend with Dori and Milan, a perhaps a bit shaky on the vocab but nonetheless successful presentation on US Migration politics, a solid start on a paper about German philosophy, a week of relaxing and packing with Robert, a Schnitzel extravaganza with Nancy, Jan and Patrizia, a "Russendisco" party, a visit from Robert's father with lots of walking and DDR-stories, incredible amounts of food and long walks around Köpernick with Robert's grandparents, and finally, a lasagna feast (my second in two weeks) with Judith and her myriad of British guests. Wow. 

And now I am heading home to Boston for one month to be with my parents and Erika, who will be joining us from Montreal next weekend. It promises to be both busy and restful, sprinkled with road trips and hopefully a bit of working (I still have, sadly, two big papers to finish). I cannot wait to have my Mom waiting for me at the airport for a much overdue hug. 

I will post some pictures from February soon. In the meantime, I have a plane to catch at 7:30 tomorrow morning, a boyfriend to say goodbye to, and still some packing left to finish. Please direct all correspondences to my American cell phone, or my email, or, of course, this blog.

<-- Boston, view from above!