Sunday, November 16, 2008

A (couple of) Month(s) in Pictures

I've been rather sparse in my blog entries lately (see month of October... total entries: 1). Part of the reason is that I'm spending a bit of time wandering around the city, going places on the weekends, and taking time to read for my classes (or attempting to). This weekend has been my chance to catch up on old entries. Hence TONS of information coming all at once. Hope you all don't mind.

Here are a few things that have been going on in my life, in picture form. They range from a monumental election (unfortunately I did not make it on the guest list at the embassy, so my night was a bit less grand as AnnaRae's but still just as celebratory and sleep-deprived!) a visit to Poland (see entry "Breslau (WROCLAW)") to having visitors here in Berlin (so so great, thanks for coming Caitlin!). I am sitting at my usual spot on the tall stool in my kitchen on a cold but uncharacteristically sunny Sunday afternoon with tea. Oh how much fun it is to look through old pictures...

Weltpraesident Obama

(sticker acquired via snailmail from the Swayzes!)

Breslau (Wroclaw)


Schloss Sans Souci, Potsdam

(my intellectual history class at Friedrich Wilhelm the Great's grave)
Caitlin and I impersonating Prussian guards (a few feet short, don't you think?)


(big brother watching in the U-bahn...)

Robert(!) and Caitlin(!) near the Turkish market

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