Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Skyla is the one that gave me that vocab word (Robert helped too). Carmen, our program director, invited us over for dinner at her apartment on Thursday. She studied "Amerikanistiks" as well as sociology, and apparently a part of that is learning about our dear beloved tradition of turkeys and cranberry sauce. No one (except for Janna) can dislike Thanksgiving; the food is just too tasty. I must say I was a bit surprised to have such a great Thanksgiving dinner in Berlin. Carmen certainly studied us "Ami's" well :-)

On the menu:
- TRUTHAHN (turkey)
- Suesskartoffeln (sweet potatoes)
- Kartoffelbrei (mashed potatoes)
- Frische Preiselbeersauce (fresh cranberry sauce)
- Sauce (GRAVY, not just sauce, but that's the German word)
- Selbstgebackener Kuerbiskuchen (homemade pumpkin pie)
- Wein, Liquoer, und alles anderes (wine, liquor, and everything else) 

1 comment:

Janna H. said...

i kind of dislike thanksgiving.
... theory disproved.