Tuesday, May 5, 2009

photos from POLAND

Wroclaw (Breslau) grows on me every time I make the trip from Berlin to go there. Since I've been there five or so times at this point, I can safely say that the small polish city is well worth a visit. Not only was it great to visit Wroclaw this weekend, I also avoided the May Day rioting here in Kreuzberg.... Generally a good safety measure. (see http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,622415,00.html)

I left on Thursday afternoon, carpooling with a Brit and two other Poles who commute to and from Berlin every weekend. While there, Robert and I did quite a bit: grilled with his roommates (and played frisbee with a two-year old!), did a side-trip to Kasia's hometown of Walbrzych (it was called Waldenburg back when Prussia was around, which is much easier to pronounce), visited the botanical gardens, did a little boat trip, and walked around the packed but beautiful city a few times a day. Since I have around one-gig of photos from this weekend, I thought I could post a few. Enjoy.

Dom Insel (Dome Island, island of beautiful medieval churches)

a packed marketplace on May 1st

Guitarists in the marketplace; since May Day was an institutionalized Communist holiday, now Breslau celebrates the day off with a guitar festival... 
what a great idea?

Wroclaw, "the meeting place"
(Robert is the small dwarf with the soccer ball)

the postal dwarf

Robert's roommate's brother, showing his daughter Maya that the puppy really isn't as vicious and man-eating as one might think

Robert showing Maya an american catfish, an import!

Robert's roommate Mischek, with Maya

Fishing at sunset...

Kasia, showing me where Walbrzych is on a map

Kasia and I at a bus stop

Communist-style apartment buildings

Her parents made us lunch! 
Soup, meat and potatoes in Kasia's apartment

Flower festival at the castle

flower exhibits inside the castle

the "old town" in Walbrzych

the botanical gardens in Breslau

the Brahms dwarf (Brahms studied in Breslau, I believe)

Robert has a few furry friends in his apartment: a bunny named Shara (meaning gray in Polish), and an entire family of hamsters

customer service policy in europe:  the client is always wrong
(at a mexican restaurant)

I must say, sometimes Poland is a strange place. For instance, in the grocery store there is an ENTIRE aisle devoted to two items: Ketchup and Mayonnaise

Inside the Wroclaw Glowny, main train station


Robert Weidlich said...

Thank you, Melissa, for the pictures!!! I like the one of the botanical garden a lot.

j. d. e. said...

well, that customer service motto certainly explains the behavior of german waiters :P

i was actually really looking forward to being in Xberg for the Krawallen. but poland looks beautiful and fun, and you got to see the boy, so i'd say it was a good call!

we should skype soon, Y / N ?

oh goodness, gerd emailed me again, and he's asking if i want to do more under-the-table, untaxed work. ack, gerd. no.