Friday, July 4, 2008


Sunday even with the play practice definitely had a main theme: FUSSBALL. We planned where we would watch the game the night before. There was a nationalistic fervor surrounding the Europameisterschaft like I had never expected: flags everywhere, hanging off cars, larger ones off of balconies, people with red black and yellow on their faces, people wearing soccer jerseys just about everywhere. Interestingly enough, flags did not always mean “Go Germany” as much as “Go soccer!” There was a sort of unity of soccer fans that went beyond German nationalism. Some balconies had Turkish flags left over from their awesome, unbelievable 2-3 loss last week.

The radio discussed soccer news all weekend long – the headline in the Durlach paper: “Wird Ballack Spielen?” Will Ballack lead his team to victory even with his injuries? According to the papers he had some sort of torn muscle. And if Ballack doesn’t play, then is there any way that Germany can beat Spain? Robert’s mother seemed to think that the controversy was only a strategy to mess with the Spanish team. Of course, come game time he was there in what looked like good shape.

Nina and Robert bought me a Wilkommen-gift: a Deutschland jersey! Wearing our festive gear we went about four hours early to the courtyard behind a restaurant in Durlach. There were many picnic tables set up and a big TV screen at one end. Apparently, even four hours early was not early enough – the place was packed. We found a few seats right next to the bar, not a bad place to be. A bit far from the screen (hard to see since it was still bright out) but good drink access. Unfortunately people lined up for drinks and refills throughout the game, so we occasionally had to stand to see over them or gently signal to them to MOVE if there was an exciting play going on. Lamb (Robert’s favorite player, had a great goal against Turkey) and Schweiny (“Schweinsteiger”, although Schweiny is funny because it’s “porky” in English) – little by little I learned the names of the German players. Konny, Dücki and Anne-Kathrine, friends of Robert’s from Karlsruhe, joined us a couple of hours later. Anne-Kathrine (“AK”) brought boxers to sew the Mum-heart while the game was going on since she was there more for the beer and company than the soccer. Dücki brought make-up with her which we shared with the bartenders (a Spain fan! Or rather, someone who wanted to cheer for the team that would surely win). Robert was a bit upset that I drew a heart on his face but I was rather proud of my artistic skills. A deliciously filling Currywürst with fries (see picture) and a few beers later, and Enrique Iglesias finished with his pre-show entertainment. This meant only one thing: GAMETIME.

Hopefully you all know what happened next since you all watched the final. I know that Ronny did over in LA, as indicated by his very curt, short email the following day:

Spain: 1

Germany: 0

Thanks Ronny :-)

The general opinion as we got on the train to go home was that Germany did not deserve the win. There was simply no denying that Spain played better. Robert and I had the misfortune of riding home with sixty or so unbearably drunk high-schoolers. They sang soccer-songs that made absolutely no sense over and over, the same ones, screaming. One kid next to me was smoking (on a train!) and another was banging so hard on one of the walls that a florescent light fell down. Of course, he felt that it was his duty to then stomp on it so that glass chards covered the floor. Meanwhile Robert and I were struggling to balance a bike (!) that I am borrowing for the summer from his mother – a WONDERFUL bike which I have come to love dearly even though our relationship is hardly a week old. But seriously, this night gave a slight justification to a well-enforced drinking age. Between the balancing act and the jet-lag and the obnoxious drunk people, I was unbelievably thankful to be back in quiet Rohrbach.

That next morning: right to class. Needless to say, I was a bit overwhelmed at the thought of starting something new after such a hectic but really great weekend. Many pictures to add later. Luckily, alles hat geklappt.

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