Wednesday, January 21, 2009


As soon as I figure out how to upload videos, I'll get some "live footage" in here...

Kate and I left our class at the FU as soon as possible to go to Nollendorfplatz. There we stood in a line that stretched an entire block. Meryl joined us and we contemplated getting food as we waited to get in. A few Germans in line were laughing at the fact that they were suddenly surrounded by "Ami's", making them essentially minorities in their home-city. Tickets in hand, we paid the 10 Euro entrance fee and found that, unfortunately, there was no food to fill our hungry stomachs inside (grrr). Oh well, that's my contribution to the American Democrats Abroad I guess. Then we discovered that there were too many people in there to move! The venue was a rather grand-looking reception hall with chandeliers and fancy cocktail bars. We squished our way to a spot where we could nearly see the video screen, and for lack of time we stayed put. And then we heard the speech, and everything else simply did not matter. I particularly loved all the storm and clearing the water metaphors; it made me feel like we are a country at sea.

I noticed that the crowd tended to cheer at very particular moments, such as whenever Obama mentioned reducing our dependency on oil, and of course they boo-ed when Bush was mentioned. I noticed some people cringing when Obama mentioned God as the guiding light and the scriptures (Germans feel very strongly that religion plays too big of a part in US politics; this they consider rather backwards). Meryl, Kate and I celebrated with a massively delicious Dürüm Döner and some Berliner Kindl beers. The wonderful Turkish man who served us made us his special guests, and gave us chocolate, extra napkins for the never-not-messy Döners, and extra pieces of "milk brownies" that we had for dessert. 

Reading the New York Times this morning has never made me more proud to be American. I never thought I would say that, but wow, it is simply the truth. Kate, who lives in DC, was half-disappointed not to be home but half thankful to have avoided the masses trampling all over her neighborhood. Maya and Jessica, I am so so excited for you that you were right at the scene and I cannot WAIT to hear about it!

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