Sunday, January 4, 2009


No matter where one goes in Berlin in December, Christmas marks the city. There are lit angels hanging from street lamps and the smell of Bratwurst lingers in the streets. A mug of overwhelmingly sweet Gluehwein makes the early sunsets bearable and even adds a touch of coziness to the thin winter air. But what I found most comfortable, most satisfying, and most wonderful this Christmas was actually spending time away from the mayhem of German Weihnachtsmaerkte in order to be in Boston, to be at home. Spending time getting to know what it is like being with family again brings many more rewards than challenges. 

Notable things from pre-vacation: having a seriously annoying cold in Berlin for a good two weeks before leaving for Boston, experiencing my first visit to the doctor's at a "throat-nose-ear" office nearby, attempting to cure myself with their recommended herbal remedies, seeing Die Fledermaus at the Komisch Oper and thereby introducing Robert to that operatic family tradition,  FINALLY seeing Jilly McVicar to catch up and talk about Berlin over a Turkish-brunch, eating Fondue for the first time with Jenni, Jenni's mother and Kate and topping the evening off with Kate's Christmas Stollen, having a German-styled Christmas at Robert's grandparent's house with "Kaninchen" and the first lighting of various small wooden figures that smoke, making an attempt at non-stressful Christmas shopping at the Operahouse christmas market, and having wonderful pre-christmas meals at Nancy's house and at my guest-family's house before heading home. Needless to say eating, and eating well, was a big theme this holiday.

Looking ahead: I have around six weeks before the end of the semester. Robert and I returned from the States yesterday. We found the apartment being well used by the wonderful Morgan and the energetic Aileen, both dear friends from Chicago. My roommate will join me again mid-January from her voyage to Colombia, and in three weekends I plan on meeting Robert and his mother's family in Dresden for his grandmother's 70th birthday. After that EB will be coming for a visit (which will certainly involve German beer and probably some Gluehwein) after seeing Erin in Paris and before meeting friends in Poland. 

But until then, I shall get to know a different side of Berlin: the state-libraries. I will register at the "Stadtbibliothek", a.k.a. the StaBi (not to be confused with the Stasi, which spied on and tortured people in the DDR) and STAY there until I make progress on my research papers. The due dates are creeping up on me, and there is still so much German left to master (or attempt to) before feeling the sense of accomplishment that accompanies a semester abroad. 

For now, I am enjoying a calm evening after a hearty dinner with Morgan, Robert and Aileen, one accompanied by Hefeweise, dark, and light German beer and some variety of meat with potatoes. I am currently quite content doing nothing but drinking peppermint tea, cleaning and unpacking while listening to old Will Smith albums with Robert, who returns to Breslau in a couple of days. I am gradually getting ready for classes (or at least reacquainting myself with the mindset of a student) and I am planning on a late night skype-call home. A saturday night cozy indoors while the snow falls quietly outside (snowing, in Berlin?!?). Contrastingly, Morgan and Aileen are out partaking in the Berlin club culture, exactly as they should.

(Robert in my father's "superman" snow suit at home in Boston)

Fur alle, die meine bescheidenden Worten hier lesen, ich bedanke mich herzlich bei euch und verspreche euch mehr. Ich wuensche euch auch einen wunderbaren Rutsch ins Neues Jahr, und einen gemuetlichen Winter, der uns jetzt in Berlin schoenen und ruhigen Schnee bietet. 


j. d. e. said...

the Stabi claims another victim!

boy do I wish we could order pizzas into there and just have a crazy-go-nuts library stress party

Robert Weidlich said...

super toll war das!
ich habe bis ende januar uni und dann erst ab mitte februar ...
ich sehe ein paar freie wochen ......